Program Overview: The Nurse Leadership Institute for Nursing Practice and Education (NLI) funded by the Nurse Support Program II is designed to build Maryland's nursing leadership capacity. Coordinated and collaborative nursing leadership in practice and education is vital to transforming health care delivery models in Maryland and ultimately improving health care outcomes for Maryland residents. The NLI prepares nurse leaders in Maryland to assume a more active leadership role and contribute to the development and implementation of effective health care delivery models in Maryland. Applicants are selected from practice and academia. Applicants from Maryland schools of nursing, hospitals and other health care delivery systems who meet eligibility requirements are invited to apply. Applicants are required to have institutional support for participation in the program and to identify a mentor, preferably from their institution, who agrees to participate in the program.
Awards: NSP II funding is distributed to the University of Maryland School of Nursing to pay for applicant participation in the
Nurse Leadership Institute. Participants attend a virtual orientation in September, monthly virtual lunchtime meetings, a two-day residential, intensive leadership training workshop in January, a statewide regional meeting in Spring, and an in-person closing ceremony in June. Mentors attend a virtual orientation in October, a virtual half-day mentor training workshop, one conference call with Institute faculty and the in-person closing ceremony.
Eligibility Requirements for Applicants:
- A registered nurse with graduate education preparation OR with a BSN and current enrollment in a graduate program and/or at least two years of leadership experience
- Employed by a Maryland school of nursing, Maryland hospital, or a Maryland health care service agency/practice
- Demonstrate leadership potential through their work and professional activities
- Have an active Maryland nursing license
- Provide documented support from their institution to participate in all NLI activities
- Provide documented commitment from a nurse mentor
Eligibility Requirements for Mentors:
- Employed by a Maryland school of nursing, Maryland hospital or a Maryland health care service agency/practice
- Demonstrated leadership in their field
- Able to provide 12-month commitment to applicant
Application Guidelines and more information: Leadership Development Program (LDP)
NLI Fellow Experience video
NLI Mentor Experience video